OFF WORLD by Flossed In Paradise

via Impose Magazine

OFF WORLD is consumed with ominous, warbling bass notes and a jungle of psychedelic dance beats. French’s playful vocals float over a palette of buoyant, dystopian synths and clattering drum machines on the opening title track before fading into the pensive, meditative single “Loss Leaves You,” which is soaked with serene keyboards and echoey lo-fi production. The album corrals the intricate, moody textures of dream-pop but with a dash of ’80s darkwave; tracks such “Choro” radiate with towering new wave vibes, while “Get Me” dials up a dose of sci-fi with its shuffling future-funk rhythms, pummeling beats, and histrionic warped vocal samples. Meanwhile, the longing track “I Want To” is an impeccably-produced pop song, and one of the album’s emotional high points.

Flossed In Paradise’s OFF WORLD on Limited edition CS available now and streaming everywhere.


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JD senuTi 'Rendered Fruit'

via VapoUrban :

“Much of the album is best described as an album version of Daft Punk’s “Face to Face”; with the basis that the album takes songs that are familiar and chops them up in ways that are unrecognizable but defies sonic barriers at the same time. Very few of the samples are recognizable and intact in their original form and when they appear, they appear at the most opportune times to give listeners a break.


When it gets chaotic, it gets really fun.

What we’re listening to is an evolution of sound, one where producers go to the next level in order to make something fun and memorable. Early plunderphonics were examples on how samples sounds can be used to create new sounds; boy look how far we’ve come… The elements of plunderphonics are still there but it’s with an added element of acceptance, one where taste and judgement are not allowed; while vaporwave (and futurefunk to an extent) is based somewhat on plunderphonics, it’s more about reflecting on manufactured nostalgia than making new sounds; which is what this album truly succeeds at.

Though it may be short, this album is a breakthrough in ushering a new era of the ever evolving genre vaporwave. With endless replay value, this album showcases lots of talent and lots of unique tricks up it’s sleeve. It’ also an influence to vaporwave/futurefunk artists everywhere and really shows what you can achieve if you believe in yourself. Play this as much as possible; it’s a high standard album.”

Available now on cassette and MP3 disc!



Motoroto - Motorised, Limited Ed. CS


Motorised is the first full length album by Motoroto packed with new wave grooves and italo disco flourishes. Etherial, wonky, emotion. Third generation copies from the VHS player in your mind...

Available now on cassette and mini-wallet disc!



'Plug In, Drop Out' by Golden Living Room

Just in time for Electronicon 2! Plug In, Drop Out by Golden Living Room is repressed on cassette tape.

Originally released in August of 2013, Plug In, Drop Out is an escapist memoir directed by a subconscious desire to rise out of the darkness.

Available now on cassette!


Boys Age - Initiate

Available now on cassette!



Initiateは、Boys Ageとしては最も大きな変革の時期の曲を収録したコンピレーションです。「TIGER!TIGER!」を完成させた後、当時の私はBoys Ageが一つの音楽の山巓に辿り着いたことを実感しました(多くの独創的なバンドが当たり前のように持っている「強固な自我」の獲得)。それと同時に、相変わらず日本国内でほとんど評価を得られないことに辟易していました(褒められたいわけではなく、評価によって得られる資金と時間で音楽に更なる没頭を捧げたかったからです)。
またヘヴィな音楽を作り続けることへの疲れもありました。私の詩世界や哲学はほとんどの人にとって理解し難く(それは今でも変わりませんが)、それでも当時の私に出来る限り噛み砕いた形としてリリースしたのですけれど、それも徒労に終わっってしまいました。そして「Night Sparkles」を挟み生まれたのが後の小五連作の一作目「Calm Time」です。以降、大作の陰でこのような小作品を作るスタンスを取ろうとしました。が、それもまた程なく潰えることになります。Calm Timeは小規模なヒットを生みBoys Ageの名を少しだけ広めてくれましたが、その後にリリースした大作「Else」は無残な結果に終わったのです。私の熱意やそれらは自覚していますがリスナーには無関係の代物で、しかしながら小さなシーンの中ですら、その場の99.99パーセントを占める劣化模造品共よりも遥かにゴミのように扱われたことは私の心を打ち倒すには十分でした。
そして強力な情熱に心血を注ぐことの無情さが、Calm Time以降夢にチラついていた究極の空虚な音楽への傾倒を助長させたのです。このコンピレーションはそんな過渡期の曲で構成されています。

名作「The Stars My Destination」にインスパイアされた「Tiger!Tiger!」、変革の第一歩となった「Night Sparkles」、救世主という生き方に目線を当てた最後の「Else」(のちに間を埋める、同時製作の中編Pangeaもリリース)。
そしてホラー小五連作として、殺人鬼目線のインディーホラーゲームから影響を受けた「Calm Time」、相互依存をテーマにした「The Inner Moon」、凍てつく夏のSci-Fiホラーオムニバス「Forbidden Summer」、世界再生の物語「New Apocalypse」、対立する二重人格の恐怖と献身「Avians」。



Topaz Gang's ''

Originally released in January 2013, Topaz Gang's '' returns to limited edition CS, updated for 2019. This was the first album the group produced, though it would end up being the second released. Now including bonus tracks that were previously featured on Fortune 500's 'Music Of The Now Age vol. 1-3' and Sunbeam Records' 'Dazzling Nights: A Tribute To Luxury Elite' compilations.


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EarthSim by FM Skyline

Originally released February 23, 2018 and remastered for 2019 EarthSim is a new classic-style vapor album, leaving some saying it’s “without a doubt the happiest vaporwave album ever released”.


All that will be left of us is a cheap keyboard stuck on 'demo' mode, floating through the void...
All music rendered by FM Skyline at Little Bajor Studios while recovering from a surgery. All sounds derived from a Yamaha PSR-E223 keyboard.
